5 Tips for Living Clutter Free in the Summer

Summer is almost here and the kids will be home from school all day! Here in the Phoenixville School District, kids are typically let out of school for summer around June 10th. Most of us who work during the week, or stay at home, feel we need a vacation too! Summer is the perfect time to work on some new household habits when it comes to cleaning and organizing to give yourself more time to enjoy your free time! So let’s go over 5 quick yet powerful tips to help us live clutter free during the summer!

1. Everything has its own place! We’ve all heard of this before but what does it really mean? It means that not only do you know where everything goes around the house but the kids also have a good idea and can put things back where they belong!  It’s great to take the kids to toy stores in the area like Generations Toy Store on Main Street here in Phoenixville for a fun afternoon, but remember to have the kids put them away in the right place.

2. Entrance Spaces! In the summer our doors are always opened and the shoes and sandals are less likely to be put away with such inviting weather outside! Continuing on the ‘everything has a place’ mentality, have somewhere specific to store all of the shoes where it’s easy accessible! We should be able to find enough storage around our house with the use of bins in the basement and garage, but for some folks using a Self Storage Service like Sterling nearby could be a good strategy for extra belongings until you are well organized.

3. Toy and Electronics! iPads, iPods, Kindles, and even Legos all are items that we never want lost and we know the kids and adults want readily available! Get some small baskets or table arrangements that can add to the décor of the house and do away with clutter. Many pieces of furniture these days have great sections for storage conveniently built into them!

4. Clear the floor! This may just be the easiest clutter rule out there but one of the hardest to follow. Having a floor clear of any items can make your living space seem much larger and roomier with a minimal-feel that most of us are looking for. If you don’t set stuff down on the floor, you won’t need to remove it so be sure to have everyone in the house place things in their designated spot!  If you need help with a house cleaning or deep clean then you can always reach out to up for an free cleaning quote with an appointment.

5. Don’t forget the Outdoor areas! With all of the lawn work going on and the lawn toys of the kids that may be scattered around the outdoor spaces, pick up some bins or outdoor furniture with build in storage to tend to any clutter! Whether it’s the an outdoor kitchen, a patio area, the driveway or a pool area, there are a bunch of creative ways to make for hiding away anything worthy of clutter!

Those are our 5 Tips for Living Clutter Free in the Summer!