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Cleaning with Baking Soda

10 Household Cleaning Supplies That Are Safe Around The House

It’s always a plus to find out exactly what your using as far as chemicals go when touching up your home after a professional cleaning or in between scheduled cleanings if the mood strikes you. In this article we’ll go over some of the cleaning supplies you can keep around the house without having to worry about them being harmful.

1. Vinegar – Vinegar is one of, if not the best, solutions for a wide array of cleaning purposes around the house. The acidity in vinegar makes for a great natural cleaning product that’s capable of handling hard stains even while still being safe and tasty too if you like salt and vinegar chips!

2. Baking Soda – Baking soda is another solution that we can find in most of our kitchens that is highly effect for more than just cooking! When you mix baking soda with water it creates an easy to mix cleaning supply.

3. Salt – As a scrubbing agent, salt is great for removing stains from stubborn surfaces when mixed with water such as tea stained cups and even brass or copper, covering a wide spectrum! Salt is also a great solution for soaking up stains in carpets when they are still damp after soaking up as much liquid as possible.

4. Lemon – The natural acidity in lemons create a great, safe cleaning product that can take on similar tasks to vinegar for cleaning yet while leaving a fantastic fresh scent! One great way to clean windows is to add a little lemon juice to water and wipe the window glass down with it followed by drying it off for a clear finish.

5. Natural Soap – While natural soap is not one of the many items on the list that can be found in our kitchens, it is very safe and can also come as a detergent.

6. Soft Sponges – Rather than using rough sponges if you happen to have them around the house, get some soft sponges so there is no risk of the harsh ones falling into the wrong hands.

7. Mild Cleaners – Even though there are enough natural cleaning products to touch up your home without getting any “real cleaning supplies”, it’s important that if you do to watch for the chemicals used and educate yourself on what might be harmful such as phosphate or chlorine.

8. Eco Friendly Floor Cleaners – It’s important to use eco friendly floor cleaners if you have pets and children around that might put something in their mouth or even lick the floor!

9. Essential Oil as an Air Freshener – Instead of using normal air fresheners, there are natural solutions out there that you can be sure will be safe in your home such as “oil diffuser” that sends natural oil scents into the air for a fresh smell or even scented candles.

10. Anti-Bacterial Cleaners – Last but not least and as stated with the use of mild cleaners, when purchasing anti-bacterial cleaners, which are important for keeping a home germ free, be careful and pay attention to the chemicals used!

That concludes our list of 10 cleaning supplies that are safe around the home!